miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2008

Lost in Oz -La novela

Lost in Oz es una novela de Joshua Patrick Dudley basada en los personajes y lugares de "El mago de Oz ". Ya ha salido una segunda parte Rise of the Dark Wizard y hay una tercera en preparación

Son cuatro adolescentes (el autor es uno de ellos) que son atrapados en la historia del libro de el mago de Oz. Su presencia modifica el cuento original y altera la historia de el mago. Como resultado de eso las páginas de su libro se tornan blancas y a continuación empiezan a reescribirse de nuevo alterando la obra. Ellos corren el riesgo de verse atrapados para siempre dentro del libro.

The primary characters here are four teenagers (one of whom is the author himself) who get caught in the storyline from the book. The problem is that, since they were not in the original tale, their presence is causing the details of the story to change. As a result, the pages in their copy of the book turn blank and the book starts rewriting itself as the altered events transpire. If they alter the plotline too much, they could jeopardize the ending and prevent Dorothy from ever getting home. If that were to happen, they could all be trapped in this unfamiliar version of Oz forever.The four teenagers start out amiably, but after the group splits up over an argument between Joshua and his sister, things start to become less pleasant for all of them. I’ll not reveal the ending here, but suffice to say that I did not expect it.

Lost in Oz book

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